








The story is set in the capital of Earth, Takarazuka-City. The peaceful planet Earth — a united world where war, crime, and all evils have been overcome — receives a visit from Baddy, a vagabond rogue from the moon. Baddy is a super-cool, elegant, and a heavy smoker. But he soon finds that smoking is outlawed across the face of the Earth. Baddy, accepting no limits, leads his gang and engages in all sorts of wrongdoing to make the dull world more interesting. His final goal is to steal the planetary budget guarded in Takarazuka Big Theater Bank. But all-mighty female investigator Goody is gaining on him!



Akechi Kogorou's Incident Report -The Black Lizard- / Tuxedo Jazz
On the Roof of the World: The Journey of H.R.H. the Duke of Abruzzo to Karakorum
Queen : Rare Live – A Concert Through Time and Space
Target of Opportunity
Life with Louie: A Christmas Surprise for Mrs. Stillman
Forty Boys and a Song
Seifuku nusumi-dori-ma: Gekisha naburu
Meurtres en Guadeloupe
The Possibility of Hope
Azules Turquesas
Long Distance
A Christmas Story Documentary: Road Trip For Ralphie
A Trivial Exclusion
Raid in St. Pauli
Pride 26: Bad To The Bone